Go Global
Multiplying disciples, establishing churches, releasing ministries, supporting leaders.
Our Journey
The Greek word ‘koinōnia’ is a great word to describe our family of churches. The word means a deep connection with others based on something shared in common. For the Go Global family, this means we have a strong bond with each other because we share the same faith, vision, values, and commitment to each other.
Our Foundations course explains what we believe as Go Global churches. To order your copy of Foundations, click here
The rest of this site explains our shared focus, passion and commitment to each other. We hope you find it as uplifting and envisioning as we do.
Peter and Angela planted the first church in 1998 in their flat in Edinburgh
Go Global is an apostolic family of churches which was established in 2021 by Peter Anderson with a team of likeminded leaders.
While we officially formed in 2021 the relationships between our leaders and churches go back much further. Many of the churches were planted by leaders who were sent out from Peter’s church in Edinburgh over the years. Other churches are led by leaders who we’ve known and partnered with, in some cases for decades. It is a joy to now work together as Go Global to passionately build and plant churches, seeking to fulfil Jesus’s commission for us all to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

Please give
… and help Go Global achieve everything we’ve outlined in our Vision and Values page above. If you’re excited by what we are doing and want to support us further you now have the option to either give single gifts, or set up regular giving by direct debit (remember the Gift aid if you can!). Thanks for helping us make this happen.